Dr. Noelle Nelson


About Dr. Noelle Nelson

Relationships, Work and Personal Growth

Dr. Noelle Nelson has dedicated her career as a psychologist, author and speaker to empower individuals to lead happier, healthier and more successful lives at home, work and in relationships. Her message, “You Matter, You Count. You Are Important,” is at the core of her philosophy and approach to personal growth and well-being.  

Dr. Nelson’s popular monthly newsletter, “A Note From Dr. Noelle Nelson,” and her podcast, Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical, provide the skills to use appreciation’s powerful energy to improve our lives.

Since 2016, Dr. Nelson has been posting stories about older people who are leading rewarding and fulfilling lives on the Meet The Amazings Facebook page. The page features nearly 700 “Amazings,” and has over 15,000 followers. She also contributes to SixtyandMe.com, writing about happiness, gratitude and healthy aging. She is a regular guest on www.HitchedMag.com podcast.

Dr. Nelson has authored more than a dozen books including: 

Dr. Nelson has appeared on national and international radio, television and podcasts including CBS’s “The Early Show,” ABC’s “The View,” and CNN. She has been interviewed, quoted or written about in such diverse media as Parade,” Living to 100 Club” Podcast, Inc., People, Woman’s World, UpJourneyl and the Stories of Inspiring Joy. Dr. Nelson has spoken on the subject of appreciation before audiences in the U.S., Canada, England, The Netherlands and Australia.

Dr. Nelson holds advanced degrees in clinical psychology from the United States International University (M.S., Ph.D.) and sociology degrees from the University of California at Los Angeles (B.A.) and the Sorbonne, Paris (Maitrise, Doctorat 3eme Cycle).

When not at work, Dr. Nelson can be found traveling: trekking, snorkeling, or simply gawking at the many wonders of our world. If not on a journey, she’ll be on a Ballroom floor somewhere, in her capacity as an amateur competitive dancer.

Blog: A Note From Dr. Noelle Nelson