Dr. Noelle Nelson


Featured Amazings

Every week we feature an “Amazing” on the MeetTheAmazings Facebook page.

If you’d like to be considered for a Featured “Amazing” or have a friend or family member you think is totally an “Amazing” – then please fill out the form below, giving us the requested information on yourself or the person you’re suggesting.

Please be sure to include the high-res pic of yourself (or them), preferably doing whatever it is that makes you/them an Amazing!


Please fill out this form to be considered for a Featured “Amazing”: 


We will never sell, distribute, share or otherwise publicize your email address! We respect your privacy. By submitting your pic and basic information to us, you give MakeTheAmazings.com permission to use the pic and your basic information on both www.facebook.com/MeetTheAmazings/ and/or MeetTheAmazings.com. MeetTheAmazings reserves the right to use or not use your pic and information, at our discretion.