Would You Marry You?, Episode 107

As Valentine’s Day rapidly approaches, how about checking in with yourself as to your lovability? Yes, you know you’re a great person, terrific, but are you loveable? Great question! In this podcast, you’ll explore how to find out where you’re at regarding your lovability – beyond your pretty/handsome face and winsome personality – to genuinely […]
Let Your Best Self Carry the Relationship Day, Episode 104

Why can you be kind, compassionate, patient, forgiving with everyone as you go about your work day, yet when it comes to dealing with your family, all that flies out the window? Instead of being your best self, you are your worst self! On the offense, nowhere near kind or forgiving. Find out, in this […]
Score with Your Boss, Be On Time, Episode 103

Really? Is that all it takes? Being on time? Heck, yes! Why? How? Well, that’s what you will explore in this podcast: the hows, wheres and whys of the serious career and job advantages of simply – being on time! Listen to all Up! Podcasts here.
Win the Battle, Lose the Love! Episode 102

Why can’t your partner seem to get with the agreements you made about the budget or other things? You’re right, you know you’re right. But here’s the thing, your partner’s all upset with you! Perfect, wonderful you. This means you may have won that battle, but you’re on the way to losing your love. Discover […]
Is It Your Mood or Your Attitude? Episode 99

You may think that mood and attitude are one and the same. Not so. Mood is condition-based, but attitude is chosen. This means that you can lift yourself out of a nasty mood, once you know how to do it. In this podcast, you’ll explore some ways to deal with your mood so you can […]
The Power of “Wei Chi” Episode 98

How you think about something makes all the difference as to how you deal with it. When you realize that crisis is actually made up of both, danger and opportunity, as summarized by the Chinese character “wei chi,” you can handle the crises that inevitably crop up in every life more effectively. That is exactly […]
Want More Job Kudos? Supercharge Your Work! Episode 97

What if there was a way to achieve more success at work? Whether your work is as an employee or as your own boss? Without sacrificing your every waking moment to “the job”? In this podcast, find out how to supercharge your work by understanding your value and how you can harness that value for […]
Taking versus Receiving, Episode 96
You might think you’re more powerful if you can simply take what you want, but that’s the road to long-term unhappiness. People resent being taken from, yet they will offer that same exact thing you want, freely, when you practice the fine art of receiving. This is what this podcast is for–to help you discover […]
Developing Trust, Episode 95
How do you know who to trust? With your true inner self, with your hopes and dreams. Those things that are precious to you, that you don’t want someone stomping all over. In this podcast, you’ll explore two easy techniques to develop trust so you can have the rich and rewarding relationships you deserve! Listen […]
How to Be Supportive, Episode 94
How powerful are the words we use, the things you say, or others say to you? Are your words helpful or hurtful? Do what others say to you make you feel self-confident or fill you with doubt? What if in this podcast, you discovered not only are your words powerful, but that there’s a way […]